Send a signal to a process

This command send any signal to a process by name or id.

HTTP Message

HTTP/1.1 POST /processes/<name_or_id>/_signal/<signum>

The response {“ok”: True} if everything was ok.

Command line:

gafferctl kill <name_or_id> <signum>


  • <name_or_id>: name or id of the process

  • <signum>: number or name, POSIX signal number (man signal or kill for more information):

    No    Name         Default Action       Description
    1     SIGHUP       terminate process    terminal line hangup
    2     SIGINT       terminate process    interrupt program
    3     SIGQUIT      create core image    quit program
    4     SIGILL       create core image    illegal instruction
    5     SIGTRAP      create core image    trace trap
    6     SIGABRT      create core image    abort program (formerly SIGIOT)
    7     SIGEMT       create core image    emulate instruction executed
    8     SIGFPE       create core image    floating-point exception
    9     SIGKILL      terminate process    kill program
    10    SIGBUS       create core image    bus error
    11    SIGSEGV      create core image    segmentation violation
    12    SIGSYS       create core image    non-existent system call invoked
    13    SIGPIPE      terminate process    write on a pipe with no reader
    14    SIGALRM      terminate process    real-time timer expired
    15    SIGTERM      terminate process    software termination signal
    16    SIGURG       discard signal       urgent condition present on socket
    17    SIGSTOP      stop process         stop (cannot be caught or ignored)
    18    SIGTSTP      stop process         stop signal generated from keyboard
    19    SIGCONT      discard signal       continue after stop
    20    SIGCHLD      discard signal       child status has changed
    21    SIGTTIN      stop process         background read attempted from control terminal
    22    SIGTTOU      stop process         background write attempted to control terminal
    23    SIGIO        discard signal       I/O is possible on a descriptor (see fcntl(2))
    24    SIGXCPU      terminate process    cpu time limit exceeded (see setrlimit(2))
    25    SIGXFSZ      terminate process    file size limit exceeded (see setrlimit(2))
    26    SIGVTALRM    terminate process    virtual time alarm (see setitimer(2))
    27    SIGPROF      terminate process    profiling timer alarm (see setitimer(2))
    28    SIGWINCH     discard signal       Window size change
    29    SIGINFO      discard signal       status request from keyboard
    30    SIGUSR1      terminate process    User defined signal 1
    31    SIGUSR2      terminate process    User defined signal 2

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