Source code for gaffer.process

# -*- coding: utf-8 -
# This file is part of gaffer. See the NOTICE for more information.
The process module wrap a process and IO redirection


from datetime import timedelta
from functools import partial
import os
import signal
import shlex

import pyuv
import psutil
from psutil import AccessDenied
import six

from .events import EventEmitter
from .util import (bytestring, getcwd, check_uid, check_gid,
        bytes2human, substitute_env, IS_WINDOWS)
from .sync import atomic_read, increment, decrement


[docs]def get_process_stats(process=None, interval=0): """Return information about a process. (can be an pid or a Process object) If process is None, will return the information about the current process. """ if process is None: process = psutil.Process(os.getpid()) stats = {} try: mem_info = process.get_memory_info() stats['mem_info1'] = bytes2human(mem_info[0]) stats['mem_info2'] = bytes2human(mem_info[1]) except AccessDenied: stats['mem_info1'] = stats['mem_info2'] = "N/A" try: stats['cpu'] = process.get_cpu_percent(interval=interval) except AccessDenied: stats['cpu'] = "N/A" try: stats['mem'] = round(process.get_memory_percent(), 1) except AccessDenied: stats['mem'] = "N/A" try: cpu_times = process.get_cpu_times() ctime = timedelta(seconds=sum(cpu_times)) ctime = "%s:%s.%s" % (ctime.seconds // 60 % 60, str((ctime.seconds % 60)).zfill(2), str(ctime.microseconds)[:2]) except AccessDenied: ctime = "N/A" stats['ctime'] = ctime return stats
[docs]class RedirectIO(object): pipes_count = 2 def __init__(self, loop, process, stdio=[]): self.loop = loop self.process = process self._emitter = EventEmitter(loop) self._stdio = [] self._channels = [] # create (channel, stdio) pairs for label in stdio[:self.pipes_count]: # io registered can any label, so it's easy to redirect # stderr to stdout, just use the same label. p = pyuv.Pipe(loop) io = pyuv.StdIO(stream=p, flags=pyuv.UV_CREATE_PIPE | \ pyuv.UV_READABLE_PIPE | \ pyuv.UV_WRITABLE_PIPE) setattr(p, 'label', label) self._channels.append(p) self._stdio.append(io) # create remaining pipes for _ in range(self.pipes_count - len(self._stdio)): self._stdio.append(pyuv.StdIO(flags=pyuv.UV_IGNORE))
[docs] def start(self): # start reading for p in self._channels: p.start_read(self._on_read)
@property def stdio(self): return self._stdio
[docs] def subscribe(self, label, listener): self._emitter.subscribe(label, listener)
[docs] def unsubscribe(self, label, listener): self._emitter.unsubscribe(label, listener)
[docs] def stop(self, all_events=False): for p in self._channels: if not p.closed: p.close() if all_events: self._emitter.close()
def _on_read(self, handle, data, error): if not data: return label = getattr(handle, 'label') msg = dict(event=label,,, data=data) self._emitter.publish(label, msg)
[docs]class RedirectStdin(object): """ redirect stdin allows multiple sender to write to same pipe """ def __init__(self, loop, process): self.loop = loop self.process = process = pyuv.Pipe(loop) self.stdio = pyuv.StdIO(, flags=pyuv.UV_CREATE_PIPE | \ pyuv.UV_READABLE_PIPE | \ pyuv.UV_WRITABLE_PIPE ) self._emitter = EventEmitter(loop)
[docs] def start(self): self._emitter.subscribe("WRITE", self._on_write) self._emitter.subscribe("WRITELINES", self._on_writelines)
[docs] def write(self, data): self._emitter.publish("WRITE", data)
[docs] def writelines(self, data): self._emitter.publish("WRITELINES", data)
[docs] def stop(self, all_events=False): if not if all_events: self._emitter.close()
def _on_write(self, evtype, data): def _on_writelines(self, evtype, data): def _on_read(self, handle, data, error): if not data: return label = getattr(handle, 'label') msg = dict(event=label,,, data=data) self._emitter.publish(label, msg)
[docs]class Stream(RedirectStdin): """ create custom stdio """ def __init__(self, loop, process, id): super(Stream, self).__init__(loop, process) = id
[docs] def start(self): super(Stream, self).start()
[docs] def subscribe(self, listener): self._emitter.subscribe('READ', listener)
[docs] def unsubscribe(self, listener): self._emitter.unsubscribe('READ', listener)
def _on_read(self, handle, data, error): if not data: return msg = dict(event='READ',,, data=data) self._emitter.publish('READ', msg)
[docs]class ProcessWatcher(object): """ object to retrieve process stats """ def __init__(self, loop, process): self.loop = loop self.process = process self._last_info = None self.on_refresh_cb = None self._active = 0 self._refcount = 0 self._emitter = EventEmitter(loop) @property def active(self): return atomic_read(self._active) > 0
[docs] def subscribe(self, listener): self._refcount = increment(self._refcount) self._emitter.subscribe("stat", listener) self._start()
[docs] def subscribe_once(self, listener): self._emitter.subscribe_once("stat", listener)
[docs] def unsubscribe(self, listener): self._emitter.unsubscribe(".", listener) self._refcount = decrement(self._refcount) if not atomic_read(self._refcount): self.stop()
[docs] def stop(self, all_events=False): if self._active = decrement(self._active) self._timer.stop() if all_events: self._emitter.close()
def _async_refresh(self, handle): try: self._last_info = self.refresh() except psutil.NoSuchProcess: self.stop() return # create the message msg = self._last_info.copy() msg.update({'pid':, 'os_pid': self.process.os_pid}) # publish it self._emitter.publish("stat", msg)
[docs] def refresh(self, interval=0): return get_process_stats(self.process._pprocess, interval=interval)
def _start(self): if not self._timer = pyuv.Timer(self.loop) # start the timer to refresh the informations # 0.1 is the minimum interval to fetch cpu stats for this # process. self._timer.start(self._async_refresh, 0.1, 0.1) self._active = increment(self._active)
[docs]class ProcessConfig(object): """ object to maintain a process config """ DEFAULT_PARAMS = { "args": [], "env": {}, "uid": None, "gid": None, "cwd": None, "shell": False, "redirect_output": [], "redirect_input": False, "custom_streams": [], "custom_channels": []} def __init__(self, name, cmd, **settings): """ Initialize the ProcessConfig object Args: - **name**: name of the process - **cmd**: program command, string) Settings: - **args**: the arguments for the command to run. Can be a list or a string. If **args** is a string, it's splitted using :func:`shlex.split`. Defaults to None. - **env**: a mapping containing the environment variables the command will run with. Optional - **uid**: int or str, user id - **gid**: int or st, user group id, - **cwd**: working dir - **shell**: boolean, run the script in a shell. (UNIX only), - **os_env**: boolean, pass the os environment to the program - **numprocesses**: int the number of OS processes to launch for this description - **flapping**: a FlappingInfo instance or, if flapping detection should be used. flapping parameters are: - **attempts**: maximum number of attempts before we stop the process and set it to retry later - **window**: period in which we are testing the number of retry - **retry_in**: seconds, the time after we restart the process and try to spawn them - **max_retry**: maximum number of retry before we give up and stop the process. - **redirect_output**: list of io to redict (max 2) this is a list of custom labels to use for the redirection. Ex: ["a", "b"] will redirect stdout & stderr and stdout events will be labeled "a" - **redirect_input**: Boolean (False is the default). Set it if you want to be able to write to stdin. - **graceful_timeout**: graceful time before we send a SIGKILL to the process (which definitely kill it). By default 30s. This is a time we let to a process to exit cleanly. """ = name self.cmd = cmd self.settings = settings def __str__(self): return "process: %s" %
[docs] def make_process(self, loop, pid, label, env=None, on_exit=None): """ create a Process object from the configuration Args: - **loop**: main pyuv loop instance that will maintain the process - **pid**: process id, generally given by the manager - **label**: the job label. Usually the process type. context. A context can be for example an application. - **on_exit**: callback called when the process exited. """ params = {} for name, default in self.DEFAULT_PARAMS.items(): params[name] = self.settings.get(name, default) os_env = self.settings.get('os_env', False) if os_env: env = params.get('env') or {} env.update(os.environ) params['env'] = env if env is not None: params['env'].update(env) params['on_exit_cb'] = on_exit return Process(loop, pid, label, self.cmd, **params)
def __getitem__(self, key): if key == "name": return if key == "cmd": return self.cmd return self.settings[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key in ("name", "cmd"): setattr(self, key, value) else: self.settings[key] = value def __contains__(self, key): if key in ('name', 'cmd'): return True if key in self.settings: return True return False
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None): try: return self[key] except KeyError: return default
[docs] def to_dict(self): d = dict(, cmd=self.cmd) d.update(self.settings) return d
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, config): d = config.copy() try: name = d.pop('name') cmd = d.pop('cmd') except KeyError: raise ValueError("invalid config dict") return cls(name, cmd, **d)
[docs]class Process(object): """ class wrapping a process Args: - **loop**: main application loop (a pyuv Loop instance) - **name**: name of the process - **cmd**: program command, string) - **args**: the arguments for the command to run. Can be a list or a string. If **args** is a string, it's splitted using :func:`shlex.split`. Defaults to None. - **env**: a mapping containing the environment variables the command will run with. Optional - **uid**: int or str, user id - **gid**: int or st, user group id, - **cwd**: working dir - **detach**: the process is launched but won't be monitored and won't exit when the manager is stopped. - **shell**: boolean, run the script in a shell. (UNIX only) - **redirect_output**: list of io to redict (max 2) this is a list of custom labels to use for the redirection. Ex: ["a", "b"] will redirect stdoutt & stderr and stdout events will be labeled "a" - **redirect_input**: Boolean (False is the default). Set it if you want to be able to write to stdin. - **custom_streams**: list of additional streams that should be created and passed to process. This is a list of streams labels. They become available through :attr:`streams` attribute. - **custom_channels**: list of additional channels that should be passed to process. """ def __init__(self, loop, pid, name, cmd, args=None, env=None, uid=None, gid=None, cwd=None, detach=False, shell=False, redirect_output=[], redirect_input=False, custom_streams=[], custom_channels=[], on_exit_cb=None): self.loop = loop = pid = name self.cmd = cmd self.env = env or {} # set command self.cmd = bytestring(cmd) # remove args from the command args_ = shlex.split(self.cmd) if len(args_) == 1: self.args = [] else: self.cmd = args_[0] self.args = args_[1:] # if args have been passed to the options then add them if args and args is not None: if isinstance(args, six.string_types): self.args.extend(shlex.split(bytestring(args))) else: self.args.extend([bytestring(arg) for arg in args]) # replace envirnonnement variable in args # $PORT for example will become the given env variable. self.args = [substitute_env(arg, self.env) for arg in self.args] if shell: self.args = ['-c', self.cmd] + self.args self.cmd = "sh" self.uid = uid self.gid = gid if not IS_WINDOWS: if self.uid is not None: self.uid = check_uid(uid) if self.gid is not None: self.gid = check_gid(gid) self.cwd = cwd or getcwd() self.redirect_output = redirect_output self.redirect_input = redirect_input self.custom_streams = custom_streams self.custom_channels = custom_channels self._redirect_io = None self._redirect_in = None self.streams = {} self.detach = detach self.on_exit_cb = on_exit_cb self._process = None self._pprocess = None self._process_watcher = None self._os_pid = None self._info = None self.stopped = False self.graceful_time = 0 self.graceful_timeout = None self.once = False self._setup_stdio() def _setup_stdio(self): # for now we ignore all stdin if not self.redirect_input: self._stdio = [pyuv.StdIO(flags=pyuv.UV_IGNORE)] else: self._redirect_in = RedirectStdin(self.loop, self) self._stdio = [self._redirect_in.stdio] self._redirect_io = RedirectIO(self.loop, self, self.redirect_output) self._stdio.extend(self._redirect_io.stdio) # create custom streams, for label in self.custom_streams: stream = self.streams[label] = Stream(self.loop, self, len(self._stdio)) self._stdio.append(stream.stdio) # create containers for custom channels. for channel in self.custom_channels: assert not channel.closed, \ "Closed channel {0!r} can't be passed to process!" \ .format(channel) self._stdio.append(pyuv.StdIO(stream=channel, flags=pyuv.UV_INHERIT_STREAM))
[docs] def spawn(self, once=False, graceful_timeout=None, env=None): """ spawn the process """ self.once = once self.graceful_timeout = graceful_timeout if env is not None: self.env.update(env) kwargs = dict( file = self.cmd, exit_callback = self._exit_cb, args = self.args, env = self.env, cwd = self.cwd, stdio = self._stdio) flags = 0 if self.uid is not None: kwargs['uid'] = self.uid flags = pyuv.UV_PROCESS_SETUID if self.gid is not None: kwargs['gid'] = self.gid flags = flags | pyuv.UV_PROCESS_SETGID if self.detach: flags = flags | pyuv.UV_PROCESS_DETACHED self.running = True self._process = pyuv.Process(self.loop) # spawn the process self._process.spawn(**kwargs) self._running = True self._os_pid = self._pprocess = psutil.Process( # start to cycle the cpu stats so we can have an accurate number on # the first call of ``Process.stats`` self.loop.queue_work(self._init_cpustats) # start redirecting IO self._redirect_io.start() if self._redirect_in is not None: self._redirect_in.start() for stream in self.streams.values(): stream.start()
@property def active(self): return @property def closed(self): return self._process.closed @property def os_pid(self): """ return the process pid """ if self._os_pid is None: self._os_pid = return self._os_pid @property def info(self): """ return the process info. If the process is monitored it return the last informations stored asynchronously by the watcher""" # info we have on this process if self._info is None: self._info = dict(,, cmd=self.cmd, args=self.args, env=self.env, uid=self.uid, gid=self.gid, os_pid=None, create_time=None, commited=self.once, redirect_output=self.redirect_output, redirect_input=self.redirect_input, custom_streams=self.custom_streams) if (self._info.get('create_time') is None and self._pprocess is not None): self._info.update({'os_pid': self.os_pid, 'create_time':self._pprocess.create_time()}) self._info['active'] = return self._info @property def stats(self): if not self._pprocess: return return get_process_stats(self._pprocess, 0.0) @property def status(self): """ return the process status """ if not self._pprocess: return return self._pprocess.status def __lt__(self, other): return ( != and self.graceful_time < other.graceful_time) __cmp__ = __lt__
[docs] def monitor(self, listener=None): """ start to monitor the process Listener can be any callable and receive *("stat", process_info)* """ if not self._process_watcher: self._process_watcher = ProcessWatcher(self.loop, self) self._process_watcher.subscribe(listener)
[docs] def unmonitor(self, listener): """ stop monitoring this process. listener is the callback passed to the monitor function previously. """ if not self._process_watcher: return self._process_watcher.unsubscribe(listener)
[docs] def monitor_io(self, io_label, listener): """ subscribe to registered IO events """ if not self._redirect_io: raise IOError("%s not redirected" % self._redirect_io.subscribe(io_label, listener)
[docs] def unmonitor_io(self, io_label, listener): """ unsubscribe to the IO event """ if not self._redirect_io: return self._redirect_io.unsubscribe(io_label, listener)
[docs] def write(self, data): """ send data to the process via stdin""" if not self._redirect_in: raise IOError("stdin not redirected") self._redirect_in.write(data)
[docs] def writelines(self, data): """ send data to the process via stdin""" if not self._redirect_in: raise IOError("stdin not redirected") self._redirect_in.writelines(data)
[docs] def stop(self): """ stop the process """ self.kill(signal.SIGTERM)
[docs] def kill(self, signum): """ send a signal to the process """ if not return self._process.kill(signum)
[docs] def close(self): self._process.close()
def _init_cpustats(self): try: get_process_stats(self._pprocess, 0.1) except psutil.NoSuchProcess: # catch this error. It can can happen when the process is closing # very fast pass def _exit_cb(self, handle, exit_status, term_signal): if self._redirect_io is not None: self._redirect_io.stop(all_events=True) if self._redirect_in is not None: self._redirect_in.stop(all_events=True) for custom_io in self.streams.values(): custom_io.stop(all_events=True) if self._process_watcher is not None: self._process_watcher.stop(all_events=True) self._running = False handle.close() # handle the exit callback if self.on_exit_cb is not None: self.on_exit_cb(self, exit_status, term_signal)